Cornerstone Bible Fellowship is committed to the support of our missionaries by praying for them regularly and supporting them financially, as a part of our local mission to “Share Jesus Christ.”

Supporting the idea of missions and individual missionaries is important because it is God’s plan in this world to establish new churches and bring new believers to Christ through the work of missions. We realize not every one of us can go ourselves to spread the word but we should be obedient to participate in missions at some level.

Jesus called us to participate in making disciples of all nations, baptizing them, and teaching them to keep His commandments (Matthew 28:19-20). We are to be His witnesses to our community, nation, and abroad (Acts 1:8).

The fact that so many still have not been told about the hope that is found in Jesus should be compelling enough. We believe God’s mercy and love was shown to us on the cross, and we should extend that same mercy and love to others. In Romans 10:14-15 the Apostle Paul writes,

“How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!’”

Romans 10:14-15

We support these people and entities close to home and around the world.

Our Missionaries

Cambodia & Vietnam: Doug & Bethany

Bethany and I have seen God do amazing things in India and Nepal. I met Bethany on the mission field. I am from Kansas, and Bethany is from Maine...

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Newton: Pregnancy Center of Central Iowa

Who we are: The Pregnancy Center of Central Iowa is a Christian Ministry that will provide information and support to those who are pregnant or...

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Mexico: Paco & Consuela Cuellar

Here, at IBBG, we are very thankful with the Lord because at the end of this month, on the 28th we are celebrating our 19th Anniversary. The...

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Mexico: Francisco & Kayra Cuellar

Receive our greetings from La Loma, Dgo.  Our prayers are with you all. May God continue blessing your lives. We want to start thanking you for...

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